You’ve got data and AI. What else do you really need?

You have all the information and content in the world. To filter it, you need something else. I help fix that.

I talk directly to businesses, and I listen directly to their customers. Then I put the two things together.

People often ask me how Specsavers managed to do such great work. Well, that’s how.

Research with an idea in it

Will it work for you? Yes, because it’s so simple. I bring different information. This doesn’t mean all the other forms of information you have don’t matter. It just gives you one or two things that help filter everything else.

Talking to the people you talk to

So what does that mean?

I might bring you an idea or write you a line. But I might help your team in other ways. In the last year or so, I’ve helped a furniture company identify its real audience (a surprise). I helped a group of orthodontists understand obstacles facing commercialisation (a surprise). I helped a radio station use listeners’ voices (very effective). And I helped two different service start ups understand the importance of owning properties they owned already (in each case, a surprise).

If you want your marketing to be more effective, I help in ways your other information doesn’t. If you are interested, give me a call and talk. I will listen.